oh wait, i know.
this workin' mommy business is definitely NOT for the weak in mind, body or spirit. serious props to you rockstar moms who do this with a whole herd of kiddos.
i struggled with morning time managment BEFORE baby, and it's kicking my butt now. the past days of worrying only about getting my own lazy butt out the door on time are over. in fact, they seem like a vacation compared to how we roll now.
here's what life looks like now. "workin' mama" style:
5:00 (a-freaking-m): alarm goes off. i try not to start my day with a curse word. wasn't i up like just 5 minutes ago? (sometimes i actually was). Honey licks my face in hopes to muster me awake enough to take her on a run, which only happens on tuesdays and thursdays when i have my amazing babysitter come over (to sleep on my couch) while we hit the pavement. on the other days (mondays and wednesdays) i cross-train from my living room from my extensively growing exercise dvd collection. i've never been a good home worker-outer but shoot, when it's your only option you take it and run. thursdays are AWESOME because i get to run AND do spin class, which is my current FAVE. and then on the weekends i have nana and papa and sometimes G so i can get my lonnnnnnnng runs outta the way. but thats besides the point. back to the daily grind....
6:00/15ish: i finish up my sweat sesh, TRY to get a stretch in and sprint to the shower (unless i'm reaaaaaaaaaally behind and then i take a rest-area shower at the sink. don't judge.) at this point i try to plug my ears when i tip-toe by Kai's room...he is at the age when showering with him awake is nearly impossible. unless he's in it with me.
6:30-45: i get ready. this, somehow is far easier then in was in previous years. i think it's because i KNOW that i have not one single spare second built into my schedule, and to be ultra-picky with my outfit would compromise my entire morning. it's honestly been kinda fun getting back into my "working attire" side of the closet that did nothing but collect dust for a year or so (in part to me staying home AND the clothes not fitting!).
6:45-7:00: if i'm lucky (it's rare) i have a few minutes to gulp down some oatmeal or bowl of cereal. i'll be honest, it's happened like, once. i get too distracted with packing Kai's meals that i somehow find a way to forget about/ignore my rumbling tummy and don't eat until i get to work. if i have a spare minute to think about it, anyway.
6:55-7ish: i wake up my sleeping boy. i always sing this crazy-annoying song. the same damn song my mom sang me that made me want to die every morning. i can't help it, it just comes out. but it sure makes him smile (for now). i snuggle him like crazy, change him, throw some clothes on him, grab his food bag and his sippy and banana for the road, almost forget my purse, throw a treat to Honey, and we are out the door.
7:15ish: drop Kai off at his daycare (his AWESOME daycare, might i add) where he always has his little buddy peering over the couch, just waiting for us to arrive. he sometimes doesn't want me to put him down and he does this hilarious leg-lifting maneuver to prevent the whole "drop-off." but he always opens his arms and goes right to Mrs. Lorry when she swoops him up. one day he even kissed her. right in front of me. but that made me more happy than sad, because he loves her. and she loves him. i really dreaded that whole transition but it has gone smoother than i ever could have dreamed. maybe i'll blog more about that later...
7:20-30: i arrive at work. to my office, where i turn on my computer and lava lamp (kids LOVE that!), quickly check voice/emails and on quieter mornings proceed directly to coffee, and if i don't get caught up, the microwave (oatmeal). all of course, after noticing that i have dried banana smeared all over my pants from the tugs and pulls of little Kai hands, OR noticing that i forgot to do my hair or put a freakin' lick of make-up on. oh well. no one says anything...probably because the last time i worked there i was 7 months prego and looked a different kind of crazy.
7:30-4:00: WORK. have i mentioned that i LOVE my job? well, i do. maybe i'll get to tell you more about why when it stops sucking the life out of me! (just kidding. well kind of). i think that sometimes my students can tell i'm missing my baby. they ask about him randomly, and i can't help but beam at the mention of his name. i'm happy to share my time with them, though. on my senior college/career focus survey and planning sheet one of the concluding questions i ask them is "how can i help you this year?" it warmed my heart to read a handful of thier answers as: you already are.
4:00: out the door to grab the little mister--which still feels SO weird since i'm so used to perpetually being the last one to leave the building (well besides the janitors). i'm pretty sure working within the scope of my contract hours will inevitably make me a better counselor, teacher, mommy, wife, etc. i feel better balanced, less overwhelmed, and like my priorites are aligned properly (for once!).
4:00-5:30= PLAY time. in sweats. outside mostly. in the garden.
6:00ish: dinner. followed by more playtime. lately we've been riding his 4-wheeler in the front one-handed while holding otter pops....
7:30: bubble bath.
7:45: jammies/lotion, books, bottle
8:00: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
8:30: mommy picks up the house, thinks about packing lunches for tomorrow but decides to have some wine and collapse on the couch or porch swing. mommy thinks about blogging but is too tired to get up to grab her laptop.
9:00-10:00 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :)
and then we get up and do it again...