Tuesday, February 5, 2013

all the things i'm doing wrong. or not.: a natural approach to parenting.

yeah, so having two kids in diapers sucks really bad.

and not just because it's expensive. i'm just freakin' sick and tired of changing diapers, thats all. and they take up a lot of garbage space, which means i have to take the garbages out way more, which also is a drag, because taking the garbage out requires me to put a shirt on (who said anything about shoes?).

and we're at that really weird transition-y time with Sunny's sleeping situation. transition-y meaning she sleeps best with us and i know i SHOULD transition her to her pack-n-play (which is right by our bed) but i don't want to sacrifice the precious sleep that i may have to to make that switch....

oh yeah, and Kai still sleeps in his crib.

it's not like he's 5. he's 2.5. half of 5. most of my friends have had their kiddos his age in toddler beds for like, days now. and i'd like to put Sunny in a crib eventually and i sure as heck don't want 2 cribs in my house--that makes me feel like Mrs. Duggar or something. but gosh, Kai loves his crib. and he doesn't jump out. he just sleeps in it. for days.

and Sunny hates people food. i don't know how hard i'm supposed to try forcing it down her throat but this girl rarely cries and when i force, she cries. and i hate that. it just doesn't feel right. i've tried veggies, fruit, cold, hot, warm, luke-warm, the "sneak-in" approach, mixed w/cereal, mixed w/milk...etc. and well, she likes her milk "straight up" and right from the source. that is all.

oh, and speaking of forcing, you can't force potty training. i guess we kind of try, but i haven't done anything crazy like going a whole day with him naked or in big boy undies. is that neccesary? i have no darn clue. G felt bad the other day because his friend who has a kid Kai's age was bragging telling him about all of thier milestone accomplishments (kid sleeps in own bed--NOT a crib, kid goes potty (standing up) AND poops in the toilet. no more diapers. kid reads chapter books, etc. (just kidding on that one). so what did my husband do? he decides to spend the evening with a diaper-less Kai. long story short: i go to the gym and get this text from G: your son (he's always MY son when he does something wrong by the way) just sharted all over himself and the rug. Yeah, needless to we'll probably need awhile to recover from that approach.

so there.

there is all of the stuff we are doing "wrong." or not by the book. whatever ya want to call it.

and as good as i've gotten at changing diapers one handed and in the dark and with a 2-year old dancing around you know what?

 i'm ok.

i'm ok with the fact that he may be the last kid on the block to be potty trained. he'll get it. it'll happen when he's ready. i truly believe that. i'm not going to do "nothing" but i'm not going to "force"  and make myself miserable over trying and miss out on all of the cute things my sweet boy does every day IN HIS DIAPER...

and i'm ok with Sunny Boo in bed with us. she's warm. and snuggly. and we all sleep soundly. and there will come a day when she will no longer want to snuggle in bed with mommy and i will miss these sweet, precious nights. and you know what? NO i don't want to have to sit up and get out of bed to feed her at night. i really do need that extra 30 seconds to two minutes. really.

and Sunny will learn to eat real food. she doesn't really have a choice. eating is in her blood--and i'm talking about the "Whitney style food-in-the-corners-of-your-mouth and on your shirt" kind of eating. it might come later, but it will come.

and Kai, well, i suppose he'll let his sister have his crib when she is ready. he sleeps through the night and most nights, 10+ uninterrupted hours. who really cares where he sleeps?!

so yeah, i get it. i'm not "super-mom." i'm not ahead of the game. i'm not an expert.

but i'm happy. my kids are happy.

my family is healthy, growing,

and very, very happy.

and we're doing just how we should. by our own book.

so i'll keep changing diapers, cleaning up pee off of the furniture, tucking Kai into his precious crib and sleeping with my Sunny Boo.

i'll keep taking things one day at a time, careful not to move too quickly on to that next milestone, but savor what today brings.

because as i sit, slouchy and tired, surrounded by a sea of diapers and messes from failed attempts at feeding solids and potty training i laugh. a lot.

and love even more.


Tricia said...

Don't let anyone tell you you're doing it wrong! You're doing great. :) And it's what works best for you guys... and for what it's worth, Micah's not anywhere near potty trained - he has no interest in it whatsoever. I've even tried to bribe him with jelly beans - no interest. :)

Bethany said...

Love this one Whit! You're honesty is so refreshing :) And all those parents who make you feel like they have it all together -- they don't! They have their own little imperfections but have to brag about the ONE thing they are doing right ;) And wait until Spring/Summer! Kai will be able to pee on anything and everything outdoors soon enough and it will all work out! Love you girl! And I admire the {happiness} that your family shares! Cause at the end of the day that's all that really matters :)

Whitney said...

Thank you ladies!