Monday, December 27, 2010


I read this blog title to Gary and he stared at me through the rear-view mirror for a few minutes with and intrigued/puzzled look on his face and then said “read it again slow.” So I did. He shrugged and looked out the window and sighed, “sounds complicated. But, don’t listen to me.”
That is why I love him so much.
As we embark upon a new year, I, as usual have spent the days of December contemplating the year that has unfolded so quickly since the last. I am a big fan of the “New Year’s Resolution.” I am also a fan of a Spring resolutions, summer resolutions, fall resolutions and holiday resolutions. Yes, I admit, I’m a functioning goal addict.
Last year I had 2 resolutions: 1) floss more AND 2) forgive. Not just the “Yep, I forgive you,” but REALLY DEEPLY FORGIVE others. I’m happy to report that I have developed a successful flossing habit, but am still working on the forgiveness piece…that is a life-long resolution.
So in order to stay true to form, here are my resolutions for 2011:
1.       Take better care of my skin (am I getting old? I've never had a facial!).
2.       Be thankful—and do a better job of thanking and {blessing} others.
3.       Blog! Even if I’m my only follower!
So….here I am, attempting to "blog."
I don’t know it just seems like the right thing to do. I mean, I enjoy writing, I enjoy documenting my life and I enjoy sharing with others in hopes that something in my story connects with something in theirs and yields some form of inspiration, encouragement or joy.
My goal is to write an entry EACH DAY all year long. Some days I may write two, who knows? (if Kai’s naptime allows).
So, why now? Why start a blog now, what’s the point—I have a Facebook account, isn’t that enough?
Well, Facebook is great. It’s where friends find friends. But I want to do more than scroll through status updates and click through photo albums of friends’ babies and vacations.
I want an outlet to hold me ACCOUNTABLE to {attempts} at daily reflections of thankfulness and joy…in good times and in bad times. I have also found that I am much better about documenting Kai’s milestones and memories electronically than I am at doing it longhand by the light of the fire like my Mother so earnestly did (just kidding Mom, I only sarcastically poke fun because I will never be able to live up to your stellar efforts poured into my incredibly detailed baby book).
So there you have it. 2011 starts now, and I plan to document it—in all its glory (and lack there-of). And because at times my life is seemingly common and uneventful I also plan on incorporating a mish-mash of random recipes (which is a stretch for me, if you know my cooking), good quotes, Bible verses and other random notable (according to Whitney) tidbits.
So here we go!
Cheers to a brand new year—and to me getting better at snapping pictures with my barely-used expensive digital camera instead of my blackberry…and learning more about this whole blogosphere thing….It’s kind of intimidating because I feel overwhelmed at all I have to learn, but I will set out to give it my best college try!


Unknown said...

I have faith in you Whitney! I look forward to reading your blogs! Good luck!!!

Katie said...

Yay! I am so excited to read your bloggy-blogs! Just keep in mind, that blogging every single day is pretty difficult when life is getting at you from all sides, so no one would think less of you if say, you chose to update the blog 3 or 4 times a week. Good luck! You have a beautiful "voice" in your writings.


Sweet Blessings said...

Welcome to blog land :) I'm so happy you are blogging and that you posted about it on I could follow along :) I Love how you write...and I so enjoy reading the amazing ways God is writing each person's story! Thanks for taking time to journal your story...I know it's going to be a true blessing to your heart, family, and all those who become faithful readers! Sweet blessings!