Thursday, August 11, 2011

cowboy Kai & more.

i was trying reallllly hard to wait until Saturday when G would be home from work to take Kai to the fair. i really tried. i made it a whole DAY.

wednesday when he woke up from his nap i couldn't take it anymore. i can hear it from our house, for cryin' out loud! i packed a bag and threw him in the jogger and we walked over and spent the entire afternoon/early evening walking around the fairgrounds:

people watching, dancing and singing to live music, touching pigs and goats and sheep, watching cows get baths and led around in arenas, sitting on four-wheelers and in big trucks and tractors, watching the kids ride the crazy rides (with envy, i'm sure!), pushing the stroller around with the diaper bag as passenger, tasting nibbles of pina colada snow cone and elephant ear and BEST of all, riding a pony! (pretty sure that was his favorite).

i wasn't sure how he'd do since he's never really "rode" an animal before. i mean, we've put him on Honey but not sure that counts?! he's ridden on a carousel before so maybe that prepared him a bit...

i initially thought i'd have to walk alongside him and hold him up in the saddle but sure enough, they strapped him right in and he was secure enough for me to let go...

and he looked (and im sure felt!) like SUCH a big boy on that fast-movin' pony...

he definitely wasn't happy about having to get off.
 so then we bought a snow cone.

he found the turkeys and canadian geese quite interesting....

someday we will have a house with enough land for a chicken coop!!
(fresh eggs!)

i'm sure we'll be back for more with Daddy on Saturday afternoon....


Kai is absolutely OBSESSED with pushing things right now. mostly things with wheels i.e.:
strollers, cars, bikes, trikes, bbqs, LAWN MOWERS....

he did this over at my parents house for almost a whole hour.
no joke.


 it's hard work bein' a wingman...

you can't tell very well here, but this shade of blue is honestly Kai's best color. it makes his big blues POP and complements his orangy shade of red/blonde.
just a little fyi :)
(thanks auntie Kelley for the shirt!!)



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