Sunday, May 8, 2011

a 3-part post for Mother's Day...for Mom, for Kai, for STRONG women.


i was in the car the other day with my mom and Kai, doing something silly to try to keep my sweaty, hyper baby boy from breaking into hysterics....i can't remember exactly what i was doing, it may have involved gum or an empty cup filled with ice or a bag of garbage...or all three, who knows.

anyway, my mom was watching me (smiling) in the rear-view mirror and non-chalantly remarked

your gonna be such a fun Mom.

with a heart happy heart i replied well, i learned from the best, ya know.

my own Mother is and has been my biggest role model as i have embarked on my own journey through motherhood. she truly embodied the definition of selfless, unconditional love to me and my siblings all throughout our childhood.

forced us to try new things, encouraged us to be adventurous, told us to shut off the tv/computer/video games and go play outside, she read us stories and played games, she made us all sit down at the table for dinner, got us up EVERY morning for sunday school and church (usually singing a VERY annoying song), she was honest, took a genuine interest in our everyday lives, knew how to give "tough love"
and best of all taught us how to love Jesus.

i can only hope and pray that i can give Kai what i had growing up.

my siblings and i have all "hated" her at times, but never for lack of love.

as we have all grown up, "Mom" has taken on a new meaning: friend.

it is her love and example that shape the Mommy i am today, and the Mother that i am becoming. sure, we don't agree on everything and our parenting styles are definitely not identical but she and my Dad are both at the root of who i am.


Just a few things I Love about being YOUR Mommy
To Kai on my first Mother's Day

i love your sleepy song. the sweet, high pitched babbles that start with such force and then fade into peaceful sleep.

i love your curiosity for all things new, and the way you absorb, learn, experience and find joy in the smallest things like dried leaves and string.

 i love your energy. you go, go, go. you don't do anything half-speed. you play, eat, and babble tirelessly....and then crash, of course (which is another love of mine, your wonderfully long NAPS!)

i love that you hold onto me, and not just so i don't drop you. you snuggle when your cold, or tired....and burrow your little red head into my neck when you get scared (like when i vacuum!).

 i love the little baby language you speak. "nanee" is my name right now, which is so cute. you say "dada" and, of course "mo" at mealtime. i can already tell you will be a social chatterbox like your mommy and daddy, and will probably be asking you to quiet down soon, but i'm excited to have conversations with you!

 i love starting every morning with your sleepy smile, and the soft sighs and coos you make as you fall asleep in my arms each night.

 i love when you pull yourself up to my legs and try to climb into my arms--it's like your sign for wanting snuggle time and it melts my heart.

i love that you like adventures, already. you are a happy traveler and don't mind being in your carseat (most of the time!).

 i love how you make me want to be a better everything.

 i love YOU, Kai Quincy, what a blessing you are!


maybe you are a Mom, maybe you are a Mother-to-be, maybe you are a wife, sister, friend...whatever the roles you embody may be, just know that whether you are a "mother" or not, you have mothered.

I have been mothered by friends. I have been mothered by teachers. I have been mothered by co-workers. I have been mothered by my little sisters. I have even been mothered by my students....

and when i say "mothered" i do NOT mean the nagging, hovering, overbearing definition.

i mean
listened to,
cared for,

i believe Mother's Day is a day to celebrate strong women, who give those gifts unconditionally and fill such a vital role in raising a generation with a purpose and hope.

So Happy Mother's day to you...
It's your day and YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

1 comment:

Sweet Blessings said...

Awwww...this was an amazing post...and a great tribute to your Mom...she does love you so much! And, she is right, you are a wonderful Mommy too! Wishing you a great new week! Sweet blessings!