Sunday, May 15, 2011

9 month update!

Kai Quincy
9 months
Now that he's pulling up on EVERYTHING, he often enjoys looking out the window while standing bouncing on the back of the couch.
And yes, like I said pulling himself up on EVERYTHING...
and trying to climb on everything.
His favorite climing posts thus far: the couch, any door or window, any coffee table, the dishwasher, the pantry, MOMMY and honey (and those are JUST the faves!).
Favorite toy: ANYTHING with wheels....
or anything that easily slides around on the ground while being pushed. This boy LOVES wheels!
He also loves to MOVE. He's crawling in super speed now...

He has recently mastered the art of clapping!
I have been taking him to baby/toddler story hour at the local public library
(every Wednesday at 10, it's fun!) and we sing lots of songs that have motions and he mirrors the bigger children (and Mommy, of course!)
He's also started crossing his little ankles when he's in a sitting position (seen above and at right below).
My little man....
Yes that's a BlackBerry on the floor next to him.
It was my DEAD BlackBerry that he so kindly decided to give a bath to early last week. He literally dropped it in his full bathtub. I turned my head for ONE second...
He is also eating peas (and cereal and old pieces of breakfast lunch and dinner...and dirt and leaves...).
Off the floor.
Yep, please note the bowl that was intented to hold the peas. Nope, he dumps his snacks on the floor and sometimes doesn't even bother to pick them up, he just eats em' straight off of the floor like Honey. It's hilarious and great for building up the immune system...or something like that ;)
Yum! Sticks!
...also any cup. Or bowl. Really, anything with an opening he LOVES to pretend like he's drinking like a big boy. G and I let him drink water out of our cups and he enjoys it so much he tests every cup/bowl out to see if it contains any refreshing cold water. But in the photo located above-right he was really just toasting to the marriage of Mommy's buddy Veronica!
Eating LOTS of fun new foods.
Some of the newer favorites include kiwi, grapes, egg yolk (boiled/microwaved) and raisins!
Loves, loves, loves to be OUTSIDE.
Here he has walked (in his walker) to the door (more like RAMMED the door) and is shrieking to get my attention to take him outside. He does this at the back and front door several times a day.
If it's decent out we are outside a LOT working in the yard, watering the garden and flowers and weeding...
Still lovin' bathtime, especially if it's with cousins!
Bathtime has changed quite a bit, however. He crawls all over the place and pulls himself up on the sides.
He also enjoys splashing. A lot. It's getting more interesting with every day
 (not to mention more WORK for the usually WET and TIRED bath-giver!)
Favorite mode of transportation: Mommy's old blue backpack
 (My Dad used to carry me and my siblings in this thing!)
My little red...
getting more personality with every single smile-filled day!
 (Think they're related?!)

Such a fun age.
SUCH a fun boy.

1 comment:

Hi, I'm BeckyJo said...

What an incredible little man! Thank you for sharing. He is such a stud!! I LOVE how he smiles with his entire face!! It makes me smile to see it! Love you guys so much!!