Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"tickle face...one more minute..."

 this sums up what it's like some most of the time with two kiddos under 2.
it's double the diapers, double the mess, double the laundry but oh-my-goodness definitely double the fun...

there are days (and nights), however that are double the disaster....

like trying to get out the door for, let's say, church.
both kids are dressed and semi-presentable looking and then Sunny decides to spit-up all over her pretty little dress (that she has yet to wear and will probably grow out of next week but now won't get to wear because it's dirty...) and Kai does a last-minute dash to his "pooping post."

after changing the wriggling, squacking Sunny out of her wet clothes and forcing her chubby little limbs into a new (but less cute and more comfortable) outfit and trying to wrestle the toddling poop monster to the ground to get changed church is half over and at that point i have sweaty armpits, a wet shirt (i'll leave the location to your imagination) and disheveled looking hair and simply surrender to the circumstances and go change into sweats and say a prayer for my sanity.

or, maybe, bedtime for instance.
with G, bedtime is smooth sailing. and most nights, he's home to help (thank you Jesus!).

but sometimes he works late, works out-of-town or is just super-duper tired and sneaks away to bed before i can get my bum off the couch for kiddo bath time...

and on those nights, it (usually) sucks.

see Kai has this crazy elaborate bedtime routine that i don't know how to break him of.

it goes bath, brush, jammies, books (anywhere from 2-6 depending on WHO is reading), prayers, rock and sing, "tickle face" in bed, try to sneak out before he can mutter "tickle face" one more time....

this has the potential of taking the better part of an hour. i kid you not.

during our bedtime prayers, we thank Jesus for EVERYTHING (the carwash, ipad, shovels, hair, Daddy's truck, blankets, etc.) and then the "tickle face" portion of the event is painfully drawn out.

but we do it every. single. night. (he does sleep through the night on a positive note!)

we usually take turns with Kai's bedtime because it is such a labor of love, and whoever has "off duty" is in charge of the typically sleeping Sunny Boo.

But let me tell you, the mixture of  1) G unavailable to double-team bedtime, 2) an awake and hungry Sunny and 3) a needy and over-tired Kai is the WORST.

Sunny fussing in whatever aparatus I've left her in, Kai whining for more "tickle face" and me, tired and silently cursing my unavailable husband while daydreaming about lying on a warm beach with a beer in my hand and no stretch marks on my six-pack bikini clad body...

and then there's this....

we're a wonderfully happy mess, we are.

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