Thursday, May 14, 2015


Jennie Allen, the woman at the forefront of the whole "IF" vision kicked off the IF: Gathering event back in February. She is SUCH a compelling speaker. Her passion and conviction are infectious and listening to her speak makes me feel SO inspired and believed in.

I remember during basketball games right before shooting free throws--whether they be to tie or win the game or just the chance to score a point or two, hearing the cheerleaders chant my name: "Come on Whitney, PUT IT IN!" I felt believed in. They knew I could do it. They were in my court. They had faith in me. Well, that is how I feel when I hear Jennie speak. Like, YES. JESUS is in my court. Let's do this.

Here is a snapshot of my notes from her message (pardon the penmanship):

What I keep on coming back to from this message is the title of this post: Uncomfortable

"Don't try to be comfortable."

Don't TRY to be comfortable. 


That is one of those lines you just keep reading over and over trying to wrap your head around what it means for you. How on earth do I go against my very human desire to be comfortable in just about every aspect of my life? How do I live dangerously--and live for Jesus?

I'll tell you what this means for me using the 3 questions Jennie challenged us to ask (WITH OUR LIVES, no less!) listed above in my notes:

1) Am I enough?

I am guilty of staying "comfortable" in my faith because of the lies I often allow myself to be held captive by that tell me I am not good enough. That I'm not cool enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, smart enough, creative enough, funny enough, brave enough, etc. Lies that make me self-conscious and trapped in a deep pool of self pity.

It's when I believe that I AM ENOUGH that I live dangerously. I step out of my comfort zone because I am confident in who made me and HOW He made me. I can feel his gaze upon my every step when I rest in the promise that I, in fact, AM ENOUGH. When I truly believe that I am enough I am grateful I can receive with an open and thankful heart. I can be used by God because I am ready to take that scary first step because you know what? I am enough.

Do you {really} believe you are enough? 

You are, friend.

Listen to this and let these words soak deep down.

YOU are the friendliest of friends of God! I LOVE that. The friendliest of friends of God. 
A difference maker.

2) Am I gonna be SAFE?

We love our safety, don't we? In fact, we pray for it SO MUCH. Safe travels, safe drives, safe nights, keep us safe, keep us safe, keep us safe....

But what if God wants us to go where it's not so safe? But we keep praying for safety...

What if He wants us to step into something new that feels unsafe and scary?

I am guilty of this safety prayer--and am making a conscious effort to instead ask God to lead me and be with my every step. That His will be done in my life--in my day to day, moment to moment life. That I would seek Him in the every day and instead of camping out in the "safe," seek opportunities to rely on Him and let Him lead me into the unknown, unsafe, UNCOMFORTABLE where HE sits, just waiting for me to join Him.

So short answer to this question: No. No you will not be safe, but guess what Jennie so poignantly pointed out:

It's in the RISK that you see the FAVOR.

3) What is it going to cost?

This is where the rubber hits the road. What am I willing to LET GO OF to more fully follow Jesus? Words alone can not adequately answer this question.

Only actions.

"KILL THE STORY THAT WALKS BY SIGHT. Move from a life and words and thoughts of SIGHT to a life and words and thoughts OF FAITH." (Jennie's words!)

THAT is what is is going to cost.

Letting go of the world's standards and CHOOSING to measure your worth, your value, your scale of impact, your ability, your LIFE by a heavenly standard. NOT what this world measures us by.

Which means it's no longer about me. It's no longer about comfort. It's no longer about stuff and status and appearance and competition.

It's about Jesus. 

And Jesus is about YOU and about showing up when you seek Him above all else and about

brave, courageous UNCOMFORTABLE love. 


What is God calling you to that seems risky or uncomfortable? 

What is holding you back from taking that first step?

Close your eyes and envision yourself taking that step.

What do you see? How do you feel?


You are strong. 

You are courageous. 


Love you, friends.

1 comment:

Lyndsay said...

Hey Whitney!

I think I've heard of these IF:gatherings before. I went to the website and saw that I had seen a handful of ladies who are apart of it at a conference I went to while I was living in Houston. Also I believe one of the ladies is friends with my old boss from Houston and I think her and my old roommate went to one of the gatherings in Houston.

From the looks of it, sounds like some pretty solid teaching - I'll have to check it out more sometime!

Thanks for sharing, love u!