Sunday, April 17, 2011

weekend potpourri

 {good}neighbors are rare finds, and i am so lucky to have them. on BOTH sides. my sweet neighbor brought me a handful of lilacs. just because.  i needed a reminder of how something as simple as a few flowers plucked from your yard can brighten someone's day...

on THAT note i spent the afternoon clearing out my garden and flower beds, making mental notes of what to buy, plant, start, etc.
my parents gave me some leftover lettuce/spinach plants, which we planted today...i have strawberry's coming back and am going to plant LOTS of tomatoes, green onions, peppers, cucumbers and RASPBERRIES!

oh, and don't even get me started on the flowers...i need to start putting money away just for landscaping costs! i DO have a cool project in store for this spring: i'm going to turn our old brick built-in bbq pit into a raised flower on the lookout for before/after pics!

it felt AWESOME to get lost in the weeds and winter-brush and get my hands and feet dirty, even if it was a bit on the chilly was sunny, so i was content--and as for the wind, that's just an Eastern Oregon springtime staple...

i stocked up on squash! (for Kai).
he LOVES squash, and i just feel so much better about giving him fresh food that hasn't been sitting in a can for Lord knows how long. one of his faves is squash (this is acorn squash) mixed with apple and brown rice. yummy yummy!

i've got a freezer full of home-made baby food cubes and jars: peaches, nectarines, apples, pear, pear-apple, squash, beans and peas. This website has some great baby food recipes if you are into that kind of thing...

i'm finding socks AND shoes all over the place.
he is literally walking out of his socks...
i'm constantly finding him with one on and one off!

all smiles!

the last few nights he's been sleeping AWESOME--like up only once from 8pm-8am...i probably shouldn't blog about this, because it will inevitably jinx me. but, it's been fabulous to get a few extra hours of sleep.
and on top of that he's still taking two naps a day for anywhere from 1-3 hours at a time!
my little stinker's growin' like crazy...

i'll leave you with a little somethin' that Kai's been practicing up on
for summer pool/ocean/river time:
(he was mimicking me splashing with my feet!)

Wishing you all a great week!

1 comment:

Hi, I'm BeckyJo said...

I need you in my life! We could help each other garden and cook, we could share wine, and I would be the best pseudo-auntie EVER! Seattle wants you back!! Well, BeckyJo wants you back at least. :) Missing you lots, my dear.