Sunday, April 3, 2011

crib stands & potting soil: a (messy!) day of "firsts"

 This is how I was greeted when I walked into Kai's room after his morning nap.

I listened to him sing, like he often does when he wakes up. I was going to finish my oatmeal and then go grab him but his singing abruptly stopped and I didn't want him to fall back asleep before church so I went back to check on him and found him standing up.

My Dad, Kai's "Papa" came and lowered his crib today so {hopefully} he will not be tumbling out of it anytime soon. However, the above picture is him AFTER the crib was lowered....(sigh).

This is too much for one week. First crawling, then climbing up on his crib.

SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!!

 After church (and another nice long nap) he was full of energy and just wanting to
go, go, go.

So I stuck him in the backpack
and we went on a nice long walk with Auntie Tiff, Honey, and Duke.

{still full of energy}

After tiring of crawl/sliding across our wood floors (because of course he dosen't want to stay on the rug!)
 I decided to stick him in his walker so I could clean up the kitchen and not have to watch him so close.

Ummm...WHAT is that on your walker, Kai??

(Honey was cowering from her spot on the couch like she was guilty of the mess)
 But Kai thought it was pretty darn hilarious
(and really fun).
 wait, what is that in your mouth????????????
A little stick from the potting soil.
Soft from being gummed and having all of the delicious dirt sucked off of it.
{Proud of the mess and the snack-twig...}
 I decided to just embrace the dirt and have a total messy "boy" day.

We played outside for a LONG time.

We crawled around in the grass,
walked/played in the dirt,
picked weeds,
sucked on sticks,
sampled leaves,
and concluded the day with Kai's favorite,
stomping/wading/splashing in Honey's water bowl.


I stripped him down to his diaper and he ate his dinner half naked.

I didn't use a bib and it looked like I let him finger paint on his face and chest.

And then, we took a nice LONNNNNNNNNNG bath.

And he was fast asleep at 7:30pm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the perfect day... you soon learn to pick your battles and, really, how important is a clean house? :)

Amy U.