Monday, April 25, 2011

Kai's 1st Easter: A rough start to a beautiful day

Kai's first Easter.

Easter morning started out a bit rocky.
Kai slept quite poorly (cutting bottom tooth #2!) so Mommy AND baby were up very early and in need of a nap. So after eating breakfast, playing with toys and watching some Sunday morning tele we promptly took one. A good one. SUCH a good nap that, well, we almost slept through Easter Church service...

I had nursury duty, so this would have been a bad thing (especially for Tiff, my nursury partner, ha!)

I glanced over at the clock, and swore we had "just" fallen asleep and saw that it had been almost 2 hours and I needed to be at church in literally 5 minutes.

 I decide to keep Kai asleep so I can try to keep my head on straight amidst the ensuing panic, sweaty armpits and hotflashes that inevitably occur when I begin to stress about unavoidable lateness.

I shake my hair out (meaning to grab a scrunchie) throw some clothes on (meaning to put on pants that FIT) and gather all of Kai's things.

I mentally debate whether or not I should be late to nursury duty/Easter sunday so I can dress him all cute like most good Moms.

But he looked so dang cozy and comfy in his warm, soft jammies.

So I just swooped up my sweet lil' sleepy head, wrapped him in a blankie and before he knew what had hit him we were running down main street in the rain and into the (already occupied) nursury.

Once we made it I realized that my hair was matted and kinked from sleeping in a pony tail and I failed to grab that scrunchie I so desperately needed....

and in my hurried dressing efforts I also failed to make a good nursury wardrobe choice as I chose a pair of pants that haven't fit me since early 2009 (shoot me.) that were VERY tight. Not in the waist, not really in the butt. But oh-so-suffocating in the thigh area, which feels so lovely when you are bending down playing with littles for the better part of the morning. I even ripped them a bit as I complained to Tiff about their tightness while doing that "my-pants-are-too-tight-awkward leg stretch/squat" in attempt to create some more space.

THAT was my morning.

Kai in his "Easter Jammies"...?

On our way to Nana & Papa's for Easter Dinner and Egg hunt! (and OUT of my PJs!)

Not sure about the eggs...but these yellow flowers I KNOW I like...

This one looks kind of nice...

So, what now? (Looking around for direction)

"Like this, Kai! It's fun, there's goodies inside!"
Well in THAT case...
And just like that,
Easter Egg hunt #1 is officially in the books.
Sunshine came after that morning rain,
Mommy put some sweats on,
found a scrunchie
 and stopped sweating
 and I got to eat bites of ham and
a few licks of bunny cake frosting.

It was a good day.

"...You ask me know I know He lives...He lives within my heart!"

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