Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Night LIKES

fridays are my favorite day of the week.

my favorite *time* of the whole week is friday late afternoon/early evening.


because it has that exciting feeling of good things to come, like the gidddy anticipation you feel as you pull out of your driveway embarking on a much anticipated vacation. that's how i typically feel at about 3pm on a friday.

LOVE vacations and LOVE fridays.

but this friday i did NOT love. it was a yucky day. i won't bore you with the depressing details but it was one of the worst fridays in my all-time history of fridays.

so that is why i am forcing myself to complete my Friday Night "Like" list...

i need to find and {focus} on the positive. now more than ever.

Friday Night "Likes":

spring sunshine on my face.

needing sunglasses.

a neighborhood full of laughing children.

dinner at Mom & Dads.

"Nana" daycare.

an encouraging message waiting for me at the door...containing a Reeses Mini-Egg
(someone knows me very well!)

a loyal pup who never fails to make me feel loved and missed upon my return.

kisses from Kai. (he's learned how to kiss and it's SO CUTE!!!)

this local blog, which has really reinforced my money saving efforts (it's AWESOME!)

this blog, which has really helped spice up my tired daily oatmeal breakfast....

a bedside table full with a good book, cup of hot tea and bed with an
oversized down comforter
calling my name.

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