Thursday, April 14, 2011

progress proofs.

Post-baby (taken last fall):

Let this be a lesson to all of you Moms-to-be: DON'T gain 70 lbs. while pregnant!!! 

Post-Baby (taken in April 2011):

This may not look like much, but these jeans were once VERY tight, and now I can slide them on and off without having to unbutton them!
(still my most comfy pair, but starting to look silly as they kind of fall off of my hips...)
 Yes, it's taken 8 months for this little bit of progress.
I've had to work harder than I ever have for what seems should be way more results,
and I still have a ways to go...

but even after the stubborn weight and stretch marks, man, was it all worth it!


Hi, I'm BeckyJo said...

Be-A-U-tiful!!!! You're actually a legitimate MILF now (not like when you were a nanny and people just thought you were a MILF). And a disclaimer: I'm not saying I want to, you-know, but that guys would want to… whatever… you know what I mean. :)

Whitney said...

hahahaha!!! thanks bjo, love you :)