Monday, March 14, 2011

finding "matching" pieces...

I do get to places
just when God's ready
to have somebody
click the shutter. 
~Ansel Adams

There are a {handful} of pictures just like this one, tucked away in a bulging album, slightly discolored and musty smelling from being pressed together on dusty shelves for over twenty-six years.

Just as Kai is a part of me, he is a part of my Dad and his Dad and his Dad...

This photo saves a moment
connects a generation...

and with a "click"

another piece of the puzzle of this unpredictable, heart-breakingly beautiful life
slides into place.


Unknown said...

Beautifully worded.

Sweet Blessings said...

How precious that you have albums of memories and family moments that will forever warm your heart when you look at them...And, what great beginnings for your own family! Sweet blessings!