Monday, March 28, 2011

Kai Crawls!

Kai has always been FULL of energy. Always moving, wanting to go, go, go.

He started sitting up independantly really early and has been walking with our assistance for months.

But he hasn't shown much interest in crawling.

He likes plank position....

and has been kind of scooting along on his tummy, like an awkward army crawl....

and then he started pushing up on his knees.....

but still no crawling.

Mostly fussing, actually, as tummy time is not his fave--which I attest to frustrations from wanting so badly to be independantly mobile and not yet knowing how.

So many of the babies I've been around have crawled SO early, and it seemed like everyone was asking me "so is he crawling yet?"

I was starting to wonder if my busy boy was trying to skip the crawling chapter...
my Mom AND Mom In-Law reassured me that it would happen, but probably later, as G and I both put crawling off until the later months (G crawled at 8 months and I crawled at 10 months. Yes, I said 10.)


Last night I had some errands to run so I dropped him off at Auntie Abbey and Uncle Steven's house for a couple of hours. When I came back to pick him up, they said

"you never told us he was full-on crawling!"

"ummmmmm because he hasn't been..." I said, in slight shock.

And sure enough, as if acting on cue, my little stinker crawled right on up to me, seemingly eager to show me his newly learned milestone...

{my heart swelled}

I was proud and sad all at once. My baby boy is growing up....

I think I scared him because I started screaming...and then scooped him up in my arms and snuggled him (still wriggling and wanting down to move).

Well, looks like sombody took after Daddy in the crawling department,
as he will be 8 months in two days...

And just like that, life just got a little more interesting...

I have devised a "trap" of sorts, for when I want to keep him contained so I can, say,
 put clothes away or make the bed without him sneaking away....

He likes it. for now.

Until next time, i'll be busy re-arranging and crawl-proofing our entire household.


Hi, I'm BeckyJo said...

I LOVE IT!!! It's so cute how it looks like he's trying to get onto his feet. He's like "forget this crawling crap, I wanna run!" Seems like new adventures everyday for you guys. :)

Lindsay said...

Go Kai Go!! :) Cheering you on ~