Thursday, March 24, 2011

Today, Kai met Spring.

Today Kai and I spent the afternoon in the backyard.

The air was fresh, but warm--and there was the softest tickle of a breeze.

The grass in the yard was soft, lush and green--G mowed yesterday, so the yard was picked up and smelled sweetly of grass clippings.

All in all, a perfect day for Kai to feel {spring} beneath his feet.

He took everything in.

The branches of the trees. The singing birds on the fence. The blue, blue, sky. The tiny bugs.
The feel of the cool grass and damp, squishy soil beneath his feet.

I let him grip my fingers and wander around the yard, wherever he wanted.
He loved to stand beneath the trees and look up at the budding branches. He would try to jump, motioning for me to lift him up. I hoisted him up, above my head into the sea of branches and he smiled, kicked and touched the rough bark of the trunk and limbs.

After a long winter spent in sweaty socks...
spring has arrived, with
budding branches
a babbling baby boy, begging to play outside.


Brittany Barton said...

That picture is so sweet with the grass in his toes! Happy to see he had a fun spring day out in the yard!

Whitney said...

Thanks, Britt!! Glad you are enjoying the blog!! :)