Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Shamrock Shake Surprise

there are guilty pleasures that come along with just about every holiday, and i typically like to take full advantage of festive flavors:

at Christmas, it's fudge, toffee, sugar cookies, hot buttered rum, EGG NOGG LATTES, etc.

Thanksgiving boasts pies, candied sweet potatoes, cheesecake, WINE.....

Valentines Day = CHOCOLATES (the darker the better, preferably with a good red wine)

4th of July= fried chicken and  ice-cold BEER.

Halloween= handfuls from the candy bowl (and lots of those delicious candy corn pumpkins!)

Well, I'll be honest and admit that i'm really not a fan of the green beer. This does not mean that I frown upon all green holiday themed  beverages, as the one indulgence I crave when March rolls around is the perfectly flavored, delicious SHAMROCK SHAKE.

Hands down, my favorite milk shake flavor. EVER. (maybe because they are only offered one month out of the year...thank goodness for that!).

So tonight, Gary and his brother Jake (who is staying with us right now for their work) were one their way over to my parents house to sit in the hot-tub. Like the good Mommy that I am (ha!) I stayed behind to keep to Kai's bedtime routine. Because I was feeling sorry for myself that I was not going to get to bask in the glorious waters of the super-jets I told Gary he better bring me home a Shamrock Shake...after all, McDonalds is practically a stone's throw away from my parent's house.

"A Shamrock Shake with no whipped cream" was my order. "Please."

They returned home a little over an hour later. Kai was squeaky clean and fast asleep and I was sprawled out on our bed with damp clothes (a combination of bath water, formula and pee--Kai's, not mine ya sicko!). You know when you go to your room to do something like change or fold clothes or make the bed, but at the sight of your bed you just collapse? Yeah, that's what happened.

Well, I was reading my book too. Not just staring at the ceiling like a weirdo.

The moment I hear the key jam into the lock, my mouth instantly begins to salivate. I can already taste the sweet sugary shamrock...

Gary comes back to the room....with no shake.

"Ummmmm aren't you forgetting something?" I ask, like a fat little brat.

"Oh, don't you worry, it's out there" G replies.

I hear him and Jake talking out in the kitchen and then he {finally} brings me my shake (I'm still laying in bed NOT staring at the ceiling).

Perfect. No whip, just as I'd requested. I suck that thing down in less than 3 minutes, I kid you not.

As my straw-slurping at the last drops of green goodness at the bottom of the cup begins to echo down the hall, Jake comes back to "show me a video."

Yeah, that just happened.

No whip, just like I ordered (THEY, obviously, did not).

I was wondering why Honey intently sat
drooling at the foot of the bed while I gulped it down.

And I even let her lick out the cup....

Well, that concludes my St. Patty's day indulgences for the year...

Next comes Easter:

Bring on the Cadbury mini eggs ;)


Tiffany said...

OH MY GOSH. Lol! Doesn't surprise me a bit! :o)

Sweet Blessings said...

So laughing at this is simply good at your house...even for Honey :) Sweet blessings!