Wednesday, February 23, 2011

5 rules for a BALANCED approach to a better bod:

i've received several emails/fb messages with questions pertaining to workouts, clean eating and weight loss.

i thought that i'd consolidate several of people's inquiries into a basic 5-point post, serving as possible motivation for you and a good reminder for me!

1. feeling the urge to chuck the scale off of a high rise building? do it! the number on the scale is SO, SO, SO not the way to judge progress. you are really going for losing INCHES not POUNDS. and when you lose inches, everything is "tightening" up, which means you are building MUSCLE, and muscle weighs more than jiggly screw the scale!!! judge your weight-loss/muscle gain and toning progress on how your clothes fit! if your larger sized clothes are getting baggy, GOOD! if you need to cinch up your belt to hold your pants up, GOOD! if you can finally pull those skinny jeans up, GOOD! be fair and honest with yourself and don't get wrapped up in a number on the scale. it's false advertising. i can personally say that my clothes fit BEST and i looked the best NOT at my lowest weight. you can reach a certain number on a scale, but still be flabby and soft, so please don't torture yourself trying to reach a certain number

2. don't deny yourself what you want. not eating will only set you back further, and make you cranky and irritable. crash diets result in crash binging. portion control and several small meals a day (pack a food bag in advance to assure healthy-choice availability!) are KEY in weight loss. if you have a sweet tooth, have a little sweet snack. the trick is satisfying that sweet tooth with "healthy" sugars like peanut butter on celery, sugarfree jello, a few m&ms with trail mix or dried fruit or sweet potato or cooked baby carrots drizzled with sugarfree maple syrup. don't beat yourself up if you need a sweet treat. small indulgences will not hinder you!

3. whatever you do, DON'T fall into a routine. you HAVE to mix it up. i see this happen all the time in the gym. you see the SAME chick on the SAME machine (treadmill, eliptical, stepper...) FIVE days a week. if you want to START or KEEP seeing results, you need to keep your body OUT of it's comfort zone--and doing the same thing each day is comfortable and familiar. {shock} your body by using different muscles! so...take a new class at the gym, get outside and run or cycle for a change, or even mix it up with a fun new DVD! switching things up every so often will also keep you from getting burned out, which is most people's demise when they set out with lofty fitness goals.

4. don't forget about the obvious but neccessary small things: drink LOTS of water. change up your ipod playlist often to push you through plateaus. stretch. replenish your body post workout with a good protein shake or bar. invest in some good cross-trainers (and a good sports bra!).

5. set goals for yourself. WRITE THEM DOWN and PUT THEM WHERE YOU CAN SEE THEM! i don't know what it about writing your goals down, but that accountablility is often much more effective than just "telling" friends and family. i like to write my goals down and keep them taped just above my bedside table and/or the side of my fridge. and don't just set fitness goals, set a couple of  "fun" goals like reading for pleasure or picking up a new hobby.

it's all about maintaining a healthy balance...

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