Thursday, February 3, 2011

love21: {hope}

I woke up cold to another gray winter morning.

Tired from a night of fitfull sleep, unable to find a rhythm to Kai's restlessness...just as I felt my slumber setting sail, his cries would pull me back to shore. Another night anchored to the dock. 

Bottles need washed. Floor needs swept. Bills need paid.

Another day of no work for Gary. It's been exactly two months since he's had work...wish we could have seen that coming...

But that's life.

I shuffled down the hall and into the living room, waking up the sleeping house with lights and baby talk.
I turned the hot water on for tea and headed to the patio door to let Honey out (routine)
and out of the corner of my eye I spotted a silent burst...
of hope.

...and then watched as the stubborn clouds sauntered away to pout in another corner of the sky causing sunlight to spill through the window and warm me 
from the inside out.
In those moments, under the warmth of the sun, I feel the joy of a loving God.

...and as I come around the corner and catch the gaze of my sweet lil' man...face covered in sticky mashed banana surrounded by a sea of blanket and toys...
I catch a smile.

The world stops and
my heart melts.

...and then a familiar warm hand grips the back of my neck
and my husband plants a sleepy kiss on my forehead...
and I'm that much stronger.

There are days, we all have them...when it gets hard to breathe and our hearts are heavy with hopelessness.

But hope doesn't leave us.

WE elude hope when we get too consumed with ourselves to stop, breathe, open our eyes
and see it.

Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart,
all you who {hope} in the Lord.
Psalm 31:24


Brienne Shumway said...'re awesome. I love these posts.

Lindsay said...

Hope is one of my very favorite words! Great post!

Whitney said...

Thank you ladies!! I'm finding that even when I try to write on other subjects, something about "hope" always sneaks in :)

Sweet Blessings said...

So glad you are finding HOPE is my favorite 4 letter word :D Sweet blessings!