Saturday, February 5, 2011

love{23}: LOL!

Laughter is the shortest distance between
two people.
~Victor Borge

There's just something about how your heart feels after you've had a {real} good laugh.
It feels swollen, but in a good way.
Swollen with joy, perhaps.

Laughing is definitely something we could all practice more.

We should laugh at ourselves,
make a point to laugh with friends and
definitely take the time to laugh with our lover.

When was the last time you laughed so hard it felt like you just did an hours worth of sit-ups?
...the last time you laughed so hard you cried?
...the last time you laughed so hard you couldn't even finish your sentance?
...the last time you laughed so hard you spit your beverage all over the place?
...the last time you laughed so hard you heard yourself and thought was that just me laughing?
...the last time you laughed HARD by yourself?

Sometimes we need to just let go,
and {laugh}.

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