Friday, February 4, 2011

22: what i'm {loving} tonight...

It's been a good week. An exhausting week, but a good one.

It's Friday night, and here's a handful of things I'm {loving} at the moment:

This is my current FAVE.
If you like red, you will LOVE this delicious blend!
Buy it here (Walla Walla!)

The Advocare energy drink.
{In Pink Lemonade}.
It's all natural AND it gives me that extra "push" in the gym.
I know a couple of distributors, if your interested I'll point you in their direction!

Kai's ELMO Walker
(a hand-me-down from cousin Jude)
This thing ROCKS!
He literally walks himself all over the house.
All day long.
It's cute to see where he goes...
I've had to barracade my plants!

my assistant housekeeper.
If you wonder what she's lapping up ever so fervantly, re-read this post....

Uncle Mark's new MUSTACHE (!)
He needed a se shaved his beard off and is rockin' the stache.
He's next to me on the couch right now, and I still can't keep a straight face when I look at him...
Oh, Marky.
The Banana Creme Pie Blizzard from DQ.
To. Die. For.
One of my college roomies got me hooked on banana pudding (I'll post the recipe for that soon!)
and THIS is like a cup of banana pudding...that you don't have to make.
(Honey's pouting because it's gone...she always gets to lick our cups)

As always, my boys.
Kai's fast asleep, Uncle Marky just left and now snuggle time with my G...


 I love snuggle time after baby boy goes to bed.
It feels like the Ahhhh you say when you crawl into bed with fresh sheets,
 or step into a hot shower when your cold and dirty,
or dig into your favorite meal when your starving.

Wishing you that kind of weekend....

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

What the heck is Honey lapping up? That post you referred us to is all about poop. hahaha! :o)