Friday, February 18, 2011

{prayerfully} holding a bad hand...

Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and thankful heart.
Colossians 4:2

Too often my prayers sound more like shopping lists than conversations. I need am going to change this.

I rattle off all of the things I need, and don't take adequate time to thank, love and praise.

I get discouraged when I pray and pray...

and then wait...

and wait.

Too often we pray when we "need" something, and when that prayer goes unanswered, we fold.

Don't fold too soon.

Don't give up on God.

He is sufficient.

And odds are, someone's got a worse hand than you...and would love to have your hand.

{Thank God in every circumstance}

And there are always more cards in the "Dealer's" deck.

If you fold too soon you may miss out on that {one} card that could save you.

Don't be tricked into quitting.

When you've got a bad hand, God's got something in store for you.

Something new.

Something good.

So don't fold.

With Jesus, you can conquer a bad hand.

Strength can grow out of our weakness if we allow God to transform our reality and be the author and creator of our future.

So hang in there.

Don't fold...

Because life's best hand is nothing compared to Jesus.

Don't be afraid, for I am with you.
Don't be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 41:10

1 comment:

Sweet Blessings said...

Great Post...I LOVED your analogy to playing cards :) Hey, and I don't know if you already read it...but there's a blog by a lady named Ann Vonskamp...the link is I think YOU would really Love it. She writes in more of a poetic style...but, her posts are always very thought-provoking. And, she just wrote a book called "One Thousand Gifts", so inspiring!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend...and see many Sweet blessings every where!