Tuesday, February 1, 2011

LO{19}VE: 3rd grade prophecy? {perhaps!}

A while back Gary and I went through an old beat up cardboard box his Mom had given us that was full of his childhood stuff. You know like report cards, keepsake assignments, class pictures and the like. We stumbled across this wrinkled sheet of paper, and as we read, our jaws simultaeneoulsy dropped....

It was written in pencil in 3rd grade "Gary" penmanship (somehow it's gotten worse over the years...), so I will type what it said (I wanted to include a picture of the real thing for proof!)

The paper reads as follows:

I am a future famous American
because when I finish high school,
I will go to a police academy or
diving school. I want to be a policeman
and catch ciminals. If I learn to dive,
I may explore and find underwater
animals. I would like to live in
the country. My house will be three
stories high. I will have one
blacklab dog, a cat, horses and a wolf.
My family will have a wife and
one son.

Um, what?!!

[Gary went to dive school and is a commercial diver]
[Gary ABSOLUTELY prefers the country]
(why we swapped Hermiston for Seattle...)
[We have one dog]
(not black, but I was the one who chose!)
[He has one wife]
Thank goodness!
[And one son]
(for now, anyway...)

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

Everytime I read that I get chills.

How great is the God we serve! 
I can only imagine His smile
when we found this old piece of paper and
reflected on our little lives and how
{His} plan has unfolded.

I am amazed how He knows the desires of our heart...

and am left humbled by His grace and filled to the brim with His love.

(And faithfully waiting for the wolf and three-story house...)

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