Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Love {20!}: Paper treasures

We are most alive when our hearts are
conscious of our treasures. ~Thornton Wilder

So he DOES save my cards and letters....
(cue: awwwwe).

In the top drawer of his nightstand, underneath dusty unread books and other random things like old phone chargers and tangled shoelaces.

I wasn't snooping, I was putting away his underwear and socks in an overstuffed drawer and simply searching for a more vacant space....

and I found these.

 The {very 1st} carefully crafted home-made Valentine I made for Gary
(my private-Christian college budget could hardly afford Hallmark).
 ...and a few random love notes.
The "just because" kind.
Or...the "reaaaaallly not wanting to write a paper" kind.
But either way, {he saved them}.
(please note the little waving diver locted top-left)

I have saved most of the notes and cards I have received from him over the years as well (filed away in my plastic card tub, of course!). Re-reading them never gets old. Those sloppily written, often mis-spelled words never mean any less than they did the day I ripped open the envelope.

Some girls like love jewelry, some melt over roses...some women want the flashy cars, designer hand bags or and fancy house.

I like a piece of paper or napkin or cardboard with a jumble of {heart felt} words spilled across the surface.

I like flowers...not the elaborate, overpriced perfectly- pruned and arranged in an ornate vase kind, but the kind that were grown in your (or your friend or Mom's) flower bed. The kind that were cut by the giver. The kind that were picked for their color, or particular bloom.

I like a warm hand wrapped around mine, a friendship full of laughter, a gaze full of hope, shared dreams and a life filled with meaning and purpose.

Reflect upon your your greatest gifts.

Aim to start your day conscious of your {real} treasures.

After all,
the best things in life aren't "things" at all.

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