Thursday, February 24, 2011

burn-out prevention (3 tips):

if you are going to dedicate an hour or two of your day to getting a workout in, you want to do everything possible to make it worthwhile.

i know that my gym-time changed BIG TIME after becoming a Mommy. i now have a LIMIT on the time i can spend at the gym. gone are the days of spontaneously being able to catch a fun class with a friend at a moments notice. gone are the days when G and i can hit up the gym together (sad!).

but guess what happened? Whitney learned how to get the job done and NOT waste time!

this doesn't go without saying there aren't days i just DREAD getting a workout in. most days i ANTICIPATE my gym time, and really look forward to a good sweaty, calorie burnin' sesh...but there's this unfortunate thing that creeps up on even the best of gymrats called "burn-out."

we've all experienced burn-out in one way or another, some of us a day or two, some of us weeks or (hopefully not!) months.  you know, the kind of days where we drag our feet about going to the gym, and then when we {finally} get there we shuffle around like a lost puppy, not really wanting to do anything, just "appearing" to exercise, but not really doing anything at all.

wherever you may be in your motivation cycle, here are few suggestions to get out--or help you avoid that inevitably approaching "rut":

1. go out and buy some new workout gear (that's right, GO!). maybe shoes are your thing, maybe you want some new running or yoga pants, a new bright-colored sports bra or some new tank tops or sweatshirts. it sounds silly but don't you remember how excited you were as a little kid to wear your "new" clothes to school? well, buying workout clothes to wear to the gym has the same effect (well it does for me, anyway!). a few months back i found that i needed some non-stinky "gym" shoes as my New Balance running shoes were dirty and gross from being worn outside so much. so (spurred on by the fabulously firm booty commercials, of course) i went and bought a pair of Reebok Toning shoes, (which i LOVE btw) and was definitely excited to try em' out in classes and on the cardio machines at the gym!

2. get out of your comfort zone and try something new. odds are, you are in a rut because you are doing the same stuff every day. challenge yourself to take a new class, break out that bicycle thats sitting in your garage, meet up with a friend once a week to do a fun workout dvd, sign up for a city-league team, go for a hike or start lap swimming. you could even sign up for a 5K, half-marathon or maybe even a triathalon and start training with a group of people with common goals for accountability! sometimes you just need something to work toward...

3. supplement yourself! check out Advocare or (my personal favorite) (cheaper than ANYWHERE else!) for products that can enhance your fitness goals. i am a HUGE fan of pre and post workout supplements (energy boosting sups like Adovcare's SPARK for a pre-workout boost and a good low-cal protein shake for post workout recovery). do some research and find a few products that will assist you in getting even closer to where you want to be. i often find that if i'm going to invest money into my fitness regime, i'm opt to be more dedicated with my training and diet...

also making sure that you are eating several healthy meals and snacks throughout the day, drinking LOTS of water and getting enough sleep are {simple} but KEY ingredients to reaching your fitness goals, whatever they may be.

bad, lazy, self-loathing days will happen to all of us. expect them. prepare for them.

what matters most is our ability to OVERCOME.

the road to reaching your goals will undoubtedly be littered with MANY tempting parking spots threatening to sideline your ambition and progress.

don't park.

{{unless, of course you are buying yourself new running shoes!}}

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