Sunday, January 30, 2011

love{17}: bloom!

There is no surprise more magical
than the surprise of being loved. 
It is God's finger on man's shoulder.
Charles Morgan

The "love" I write about today is not only a love shared between husband and wife. It's love for a friend, love for family, love for a child, love for a stranger, (love for a pet)...even love for an enemy.

We can all close our eyes and revert back to a time that we were loved so deeply and unconditionally that it brought tears to our eyes and made our hearts swell with gratitude....

It could be the car ahead of you at Starbucks paying for your coffee.
A thoughtful high school student holding the door open for you at the store and telling you
"your baby's really cute."
Maybe it's a generous financial gift sent anonomously at just the right time.
Or someone leaving a plate of your favorite cookies on your doorstep.
It could be a heartfelt picture drawn in crayon on a placemat,
or a {real} genuine compliment,
a letter of encouragement
or a sincere "thank you."
It may be the innocent whisper of "I love you" as a child drifts off to sleep,
or that look of adoration your dog gives you from the window as you pull out of your driveway.
Perhaps it's found in a hand on your shoulder at the end of a hard day,
or heard in a prayer. 

Maybe it's delivered is in the form of forgiveness.

Have you felt that love? The kind of love that comes rushing in, melting every heavy burden away. It's a freeing love, an exhilarating love. It's not just hearing the phrase "I forgive you," it's the feeling of really being forgiven. If you've ever really felt that forgiving love, you know exactly what I'm talking about. It feels like a heavy weight lifted off your shoulders, like the first sweet gulp of air after being submerged under water, like sunshine in your soul.

And then there is God's love. 
A love so deep and real and true I cannot even fathom.
It is this love that is at the root of all other love,
Just take a second and look around.

Listen to the quiet stirring of your soul.

Allow yourself to {embrace} love in all of the ways it manifests around you.

Even in the darkest of hours, it's there...

like a seed dropped in the cool dark soil just waiting
for water and {light}.

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