Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday photo montage!

I spent a great deal of my {very pregnant} summer outside working in my yard (just a new hobby I'd picked up being a bit more housebound). I planted sunflowers that lined one side of our fence, and loved watching the birds perch all over the long stems and peck at the seeds.

This winter, I notice them from my kitchen window, still pecking around out in my garden, and I wonder how hungry and cold they must be (I know, they are fine...but it's SO cold!). So...I decided one day on a whim that I would start to feed them. Gary was out running errands so I called and asked him to grab some birdseed. I had to repeat myself on the phone "yes babe, birdseed." He laughed, but, like a good husband, obeyed and brought me home a large bag of wild bird seed (on sale at ACE).

I told him I was going to throw seed on the ground in the garden each morning for all of my bird friends, and that I was going to start saving all of the paper towel and toilet paper rolls to coat with honey and peanut butter and roll in bird seed and then hang in the trees (really).

He shook his head and laughed again.

Well guess what he asked me this morning?

"Hey babe, did you feed the birds yet?"(just like that--like they were OUR birds and it was our duty to keep them fed).

I replied "Uh no, actually...I haven't done it in a few days, I've forgotten. Crap."

"Well, I've been doing it," he said as he scooped up a cupfull of seed and headed outside.

Another reason why I love him.

Laundry is my nemesis. There is not a house chore I hate worse. I would rather scrub scummy just never ends. Especially with a baby who produces more drool than a full grown St. Bernard. Seriously, the kid can soak through a bib and his onesie in less than 10 minutes!

It's not the act of putting the laundry in the machine that I's the folding (bleh).

It's just one of those things, I guess. I'm stuck with it until Kai gets old enough for me to assign it as one of his chores (I now know why I always had to empty the dishwasher for my Mom...).

I spent a large part of my Monday sorting, folding and putting away {laundry}.

Guess who is sitting up ALL ALONE...??!

We spent lots of time on the floor playing with new Christmas presents. We rotate: tummy, bottom, back, tummy, bottom, back...and then when he's tired of those, he grabs my fingers and we walk (waddle) around the house.

Introducing kinda fun, and pretty hilarious!

What your seeing on his bib and face is some delicious organic sweet potato, that he (after the 4th day) is taking to rather well.

Sometimes he spits it right back in my face, sometimes he keeps it in his mouth for a few seconds and then lets it slowly run out, sometimes he just smears it all over his bib...

I'm doing veggies first: squash, peas, carrots and the like...then banana and avocado...then gonna throw some rice cereal into the mix...and once he's a year old he will finally get a taste of my fave, {citrus fruits!}

Here's Kai showing off more of his independant sitting skills. He LOVES his bathtime. He never cries to get out, I usually have to drag him out in fear of him shriveling into a little baby prune.

I have to say, bathtime is one of my favorite times with him. We always have fun in the bathtub, no matter what kind of day it's been (today was a bit rough, teething is the pits...and on top of that, he's got a cold).

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :)

Kai's in bed, kitchen clean, my workout done (well, today it was workout(s)--i'm taking advantage of Gary not having to be back at work yet!!) and now it's time to sit down and {breathe}.

And that, in a {photo nutshell}, was my Monday.

1 comment:

Mollie C said...

I LOVE 14 HANDS!!!! Love all the pictures!
Love YOU!